Street of Dreams

That long-held dream became a reality in Gundagai when residents and visitors lined the footpath to witness local history being made with the official...

“Thank you for your service”

There are less than 200 World War II diggers left in Australia, and Gundagai has the honour of one of those fine men calling...

Local writer’s tribute to ANZAC and Olympic hero

While Australia commemorates the centenary of World War I, it seems timely for local author Rochelle Nicholls to release her second book, Hell and...

“It’s something we can all be proud of”

The finishing touches are being added to the main street upgrade as Gundagai prepares to celebrate the official opening with much fanfare on April...

Cemetery project off to a flying start

The massive task of collating records and mapping of the cemeteries in the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council area is well underway, with the council commencing...

Gundagai stung by European Wasp problem

Gundagai has been under attack by increasing numbers of the potentially dangerous European Wasp (Vespula Germanica), an introduced, but firmly entrenched pest in south-east...

Royal visit talk of the town

Gundagai is abuzz with talk centred squarely around the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall spending Easter weekend in the area. It is believed...

Luff Reunion

After much planning, the Luff Bicentennial Reunion was a great success for the prominent local family, with over 200 guests travelling from all over...

Rural practice just what the doctor ordered

  The Gundagai Medical Centre is congratulating Dr Richard Nguyen who is now a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, and Dr...

Rural women celebrated at local government association conference

Gundagai hosted the Australian Local Government Women's Association (ALGWA) NSW conference to great acclaim, with participants travelling from across the state to be a...